Код курса: OMH16e
Срок: Self paced
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Self paced
Media organisation|Company management|Business planning|Market research|SWOT|Strategy|Marketing|Financial planning|Funding
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This course focuses on developing a business plan for small and medium sized media organizations. Upon its successful completion participants will understand the principles of writing a realistic business plan. They will receive guidance how to complete all its standard sections and how to avoid mistakes common in media.
The course introduces the participants to several basic analytical tools and financial projections and provides them with useful examples and templates. The course is aimed at company owners and founders and senior editorial and publishing managers.
The course is self-paced and is broken down into the following Modules:
Course Introduction
Module 1 Business Plan Basics
Module 2 Writing a Business Plan
Module 3 Pitfalls, Hints, Resources
Course Wrap Up
Course Duration: 6-8 hours approx.
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Business planning for small media companies