• Course Code:  OMH02e

  • Term:  Self paced

  • Open for Enrollment

  • Self-paced

  • Course Author(s)
    Caroline de Camaret
Omh02f course banner

How does the European Union work?

Self paced

European Institutions|EU Policies

  • Circles
    Thomson Foundation


Please contact journalismnow@thomsonfoundation.org if you are having difficulties enrolling into this course

In this course, we will reveal to you the mysteries of the European Union in a simplified manner. It is not a comprehensive and complex course on the operation of the EU, but rather the enlightened vision of a journalist specialized in the field. You will therefore discover how the EU functions through a more journalistic prism. You will learn more about the Institutions, how they operate, as well as the general outlines of European policies.

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How does the European Union work?


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