Course Code: JN30.1EN
Term: Self paced
Open for Enrollment
Self paced
This course was created in partnership with The Centre for Advancing Journalism at the University of Melbourne.
Podcasting: Making It
So you want to make a podcast? You’ve come to the right place. By now you should have completed Course One, Podcasting: Prepping the Big Idea, in our Guide to Podcasting series. Hopefully, you are confident about your story, the content you have to offer and the audience you want to target. Now the fun really starts. This is where you’ll be guided through how to record, edit and promote your podcast. We’ll examine the elements you need to tell a story that people want to listen to and keep coming back for more. You’ll also be invited to create your own trailer and share it with the Thomson Foundation’s Journalism Now community. We’ll tell you how to do that at the end of the course. Now it’s time to let your ears do all the work. It’s time to listen, as we enter the wonderful world of sound.
Catherine Mackie, your course instructor, is an Editorial Associate at the Thomson Foundation. She’s a former BBC senior journalist with almost 30 years experience in front of and behind the camera and an examiner for the UK’s National Council for the Training of Journalists. She’s a former Knight-Wallace Journalism Fellow at the University of Michigan.
Joining Catherine is a team of experts.
Top row: L to R
Dr. LOUISA LIM is senior lecturer in audiovisual journalism and podcasting at the University of Melbourne and has recently been named an Orwell Fellow. An award-winning journalist and author, she hosts The Masterclass Podcast on Apple Podcasts which offers lessons in audio and podcasting, and The Little Red Podcast | Podcast on Spotify, which focuses on China beyond the Beijing beltway.
JAMES SMART is the podcast editor at Nation Media Group, the largest media house in Sub-Saharan Africa. He is also a prime-time television anchor, and talk-show host based in Nairobi. He successfully launched two of Kenya’s top television shows, #TheTrend and #KTNLivewire.
PAUL MCNALLY is the founder of Alibi Investigations, a pan-African investigative podcast unit and training centre. They mentor African journalists in the production of narrative, serialised podcasts. He produced Africa’s first investigative podcast, the award-winning series, Alibi | Podcast on Spotify. In 2016 he was a Knight Visiting Nieman Fellow at Harvard where he researched how community radio can use technology to evolve its news output.
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JOHN SHIELDS is the editor of Checks and Balance | Podcast on Spotify, a weekly podcast on American politics which he launched for The Economist, the renowned international weekly newspaper which is published in magazine-format and digitally. Previously, he was a senior editor at the BBC, where he created Beyond Today, an award-winning daily news podcast.
DVL PADMA PRIYA is the co-founder and editorial lead at Suno India, a platform that specialises in under-reported issues and multilingual podcasts. She has hosted numerous podcasts from Dear Pari | Podcast on Spotify (India’s first narrative podcast on child adoption), and the award-winning Pinjra Tod Kar | Podcast on Spotify on female empowerment.
NICK GARNETT is the BBC’s news correspondent for the north of England and a mobile audio specialist. He uses his mobile phone to record, edit and mix sound as well as using it for live TV and radio broadcasting. Nick has worked across the world covering major news stories but the highlight was making a podcast and documentary for the BBC about his footballing hero, Mo Salah, Searching for Salah | Podcast on Spotify.
SECTION 1 - Gives an overview of the course and an introduction to the course trainer and media experts
SECTION 2 - Guides you through different types of sound
SECTION 3 - Offers a practical guide to recording audio
SECTION 4 - Explores how to tell a story in a podcast
SECTION 5 - Offers a practical guide on editing audio
SECTION 6 - Looks at the importance of podcast promotion and how to do it
You can complete this course in 4 hours in multiple sections.
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Podcasting: Making It